Kratom for sale in San Antonio, TX at Blaze Bros
We exclusively carry kratom from respected American companies who are passionate about their products. Companies like Quantum Botanicals, Grassroots, and O.P.M.S. are trusted sources for some of the best kratom on the market.
Our selection includes all vein colors in powder form or capsules. We also carry kratom extracts and shots available in varying sizes. All of our kratom comes pre-packaged from the manufacturer with lot numbers to ensure you are getting the freshest of products.
Rule of Thumb:
Kratom is said to be stimulating in smaller amounts (3-5 grams) and relaxing in larger amounts. Different strains vary in characteristics.
White strains are generally characterized as the most energizing.
Green strains are generally characterized as balanced w/ moderate energy & relief
Red strains are generally characterized as offering relief and relaxation
Maeng Da refers to exceptional strength
Some conversations about kratom may go like this:
I need something to help me get through the work day. What do you recommend?
Typically white or green strains are recommended
I want energy for working out. What do you recommend?
Typically white or green strains are recommended
I want cognitive enhancement and focus. What do you recommend?
Typically white strains are recommended
I have mild anxiety. I just want to relax a little bit and mellow out.
Bali Gold would typically be recommended
I need something strong to help me while I am getting off medication. What do you recommend?
Typically red vein is recommended, though we do not make any claims. We do not, in any way, offer any kind of cure/treatment of any kind. For people who are looking for help of this sort, please consult with a medical professional
- From Quantum Botanicals
Selection is subject to change.
What is kratom?
Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) is a tropical evergreen tree from Southeast Asia and is native to Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. Kratom, the original name used in Thailand, is a member of the Rubiaceae family. Other members of the Rubiaceae family include coffee and gardenia. The leaves of kratom are consumed either by chewing, or by drying and smoking, putting into capsules, tablets or extract, or by boiling into a tea. The effects are unique in that stimulation occurs at low doses and opioid-like depressant and euphoric effects occur at higher doses. Common uses include treatment of pain, to help prevent withdrawal from opiates (such as prescription narcotics or heroin), and for mild stimulation.
Traditionally, kratom leaves have been used by Thai and Malaysian natives and workers for centuries. The stimulant effect was used by workers in Southeast Asia to increase energy, stamina, and limit fatigue. However, some Southeast Asian countries now outlaw its use.
In the US, this herbal product has been used as an alternative agent for muscle pain relief, diarrhea, and as a treatment for opiate addiction and withdrawal. However, its safety and effectiveness for these conditions has not been clinically determined, and the FDA has raised serious concerns about toxicity and possible death with use of kratom.
As published on February 6, 2018, the FDA notes it has no scientific data that would support the use of kratom for medical purposes. In addition, the FDA states that kratom should not be used as an alternative to prescription opioids, even if using it for opioid withdrawal symptoms. As noted by the FDA, effective, FDA-approved prescription medications, including buprenorphine, methadone, and naltrexone, are available from a health care provider, to be used in conjunction with counseling, for opioid withdrawal. Also, they state there are also safer, non-opioid options for the treatment of pain.
On February 20, 2018 the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported it was investigating a multistate outbreak of 28 salmonella infections in 20 states linked to kratom use. They noted that 11 people had been hospitalized with salmonella illness linked to kratom, but no deaths were reported. Those who fell ill consumed kratom in pills, powder or tea, but no common distributors has been identified.
Most of the psychoactive effects of kratom have evolved from anecdotal and case reports. Kratom has an unusual action of producing both stimulant effects at lower doses and more CNS depressant side effects at higher doses. Stimulant effects manifest as increased alertness, boosted physical energy, talkativeness, and a more social behavior. At higher doses, the opioid and CNS depressant effects predominate, but effects can be variable and unpredictable.
Consumers who use kratom anecdotally report lessened anxiety and stress, lessened fatigue, pain relief, sharpened focus, relief of withdrawal symptoms.
Beside pain, other anecdotal uses include as an anti-inflammatory, anti-pyretic (to lower fever), anti-tussive (cough suppressant), anti-hypertensive (to lower blood pressure), as a local anesthetic, to lower blood sugar, and as an anti-diarrheal. It has also been promoted to enhance sexual function. None of the uses have been studied clinically or are proven to be safe or effective.
In addition, it has been reported that opioid-addicted individuals use kratom to help avoid narcotic-like withdrawal side effects when other opioids are not available. Kratom withdrawal side effects may include irritability, anxiety, craving, yawning, runny nose, stomach cramps, sweating and diarrhea; all similar to opioid withdrawal.
- from
Benefits of kratom